About Us
What We Believe
The Bible
As a church we believe the Bible is God’s inerrant revelation to the human race.
It is our highest authority in everything that we do in the life of the Church and our lives as individuals.
We believe that the Bible reveals to us the truth about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God, and was sent into the world in order to fix our broken relationship with God because of the wrong things we think, say and do in our lives.
We hold to the fact that Jesus Christ is the only way we can know God, and the only way to live life to the full on this earth.
We trust all the promises that God makes to us through the Bible which we believe is the Word of God.

As a reformed church we hold to five basic, but fundamental truths:
"Scripture Alone"
"Faith Alone"
"Grace Alone"
"Christ Alone"
"Glory to God Alone"
The Bible is our final and highest authority. It is sufficient for all matters in life.
We are declared perfect by God and saved by faith alone. Good deeds are not required for our salvation.
God saved us by grace alone; He loved us even though we didn’t deserve it.
Jesus Christ is the only mediator between us and God. We can have a relationship with God only because of Christ’s life, death and resurrection.
We owe all glory to God alone, because He has saved us, by giving us His Son, Jesus. He has given us the faith we need to believe in Him, by the power of the Holy Spirit
Being an evangelical church means we believe:
The Bible is the inspired Word of God and therefore sufficient as our final authority in all life’s matters.
Jesus is the Son of God, conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.
He lived a perfect life in order to fulfil the Law that man could not fulfil, and died to pay the penalty of death on our behalf.
Jesus physically rose from the dead, conquering the grave in order to secure eternal life for all those who believe in Him
Christians are followers of Jesus Christ, and as followers, we are to go into all the world and make more followers of Jesus. Being a Christian means you have been ‘born again’, which is a spiritual transformation of the heart, making you a part of the family of God – the Church.