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Click here to view our latest Sermons
Our  Services
Our  Young  People

A typical service on Sunday lasts for just over an hour. The first part of this will include a welcome, praise, prayer, bible reading and a children's talk. The second part is mostly preaching. This is where the Minister explains some verses from the Bible and how it applies to us in our lives.

The children go out to Sunday school after the children's talk about 15 minutes into the service. Parents with babies and toddlers can use the creche or stay in the service as they choose.

There is no Sunday school or children's talk during the evening service but children are most welcome.

The church building is easily accessible for those with disabilities or prams and there is also a sound loop system for the hard of hearing.


Please feel free to contact Rev. Farquar for more details here.

hearing loop.png

What To Expect

Online Sermons

Going to church for the first time, or even just going to a different church to one you might be used to can be a bit scary or confusing. It really doesn’t have to be though – nobody will expect you to know when to sit or stand, and nobody will mind if you don’t. There is no dress code – God is more interested in you than what you wear, and so are we.



Woman with Bible

Whoever is leading the service normally leads in prayer, with the rest of the congregation joining in silently. This is when we come before God with our concerns, as well as to acknowledge his greatness and goodness to us. A prayer normally concludes with the word "Amen" (Hebrew for "let it be so"), and believers respond in kind to show accord, though it's up to you whether you do this out loud or not.


The person leading the service will teach from the passage which has been read. This just means that they will speak to us about the passage and explain it to us. They will also give an application of what the teaching in the passage means for us. This is called the sermon. Most of our services last about an hour in total.


Get in touch if you’d like more information about our services and you are most welcome to come along.


Praising God is an important part of our congregational worship. It isn't mandatory to sing, and no one will make you join in, but we would encourage everyone to join in and we hope you will want to.

At the services in the church building our praise is sung 'a capella' (without musical instruments) and is led by a precentor. We sing from the Metrical version of the Book of Psalms


​The Psalms are part of God's revelation to us, inspired by the Holy Spirit. They display a whole range of the emotions, aspirations, and struggles of faith which become formative in our experience of spiritual life.

Our worship is addressed to God and not to people, and we believe that our worship services are not for entertainment. God is to be the focus of all true worship. We are called into His presence to exalt, honour and please Him.



The Bible is God’s Word and is central to the whole worship service. It is important for the truth that is contained in the Bible to be publicly proclaimed to all who gather to hear it. The minister will read at least one passage from the Bible - either from the Old Testament or the New Testament - or both!


Church office: 01463 731 886



Knockbain Free Church

Ferry  Brae

North Kessock




Scottish Charity No. SC 004591

© 2020 by Knockbain Free Church

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